Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sri kalyana Ranganadhar at Thiruklichi-Kshetram (3)

 This temple is situated at Urayoor, Trichy district in Tamil Nadu about two miles from Tiruchirappalli. This is in between Trichy junction and the - Main guard Gate. Thirumangai alwar sung the hymn on the deity.
Legend about this temple is quite interesting. Once there was an argument between three sages about the trinity of gods - who was the greatest. At last they went to sage Brigu and requested him to solve the doubt in their minds. Sage Brigu accepted to mediate and started the exercise.
Sage brigu said long ago he too had the same doubt. Hence he went to Kailash and asked the same question to Lord Siva. He did not answer his question and told the sage to go to Brahma. The Sage went to Satyaloga the abode of Brahma and asked the question the same question as he had asked to Lord Siva. Brahma asked him to go to Vaikundam and see Maha Vishnu. The sage went to Vaikundam as Brahma advised. He met Sri Vishnu and Lakshmi. They were very happy to receive Sage Brigu. When Vishnu began to do pooja to the sage's feet Sri Lakshmi did not very happy. So the sage got angry and cursed Lakshmi that she should be born to a poor family in the earth.
Lakshimi was very sad about the curse from the sage. Narayana consoled Lakshimi that it was according to her fate. She should not worry and soon he also would follow her.
At the same time there was one King Darmavarma ruled over a kingdom called Kunbakonam in Tamil Nadu. He had no children. Once he went for hunting to a forest. While he was travelling he met lot of sages who were doing penance. But they looked like very disturbed  about something. The king went and enquired about their problems.The sages explained about their trouble  from a demon. The King consoled them and promissed to kill that demon.
The king stayed there for long and all the sages were very happy. One day the king was looking sad. The sages enquired about the reason for his sadness. The king told them about his desire for a child. All the sages went on meditation and there was a divine voice and  told them that the king should perform a" Sreesuktha" yagam and he would have a female child.The King did according to the divine voice and he had a female child and he named her "Varalakshmi".
Years passed Varalakshmi grew up to be an young maid. The King sent invitations to all the kings to various kingdoms for his daughter's 'Swayamvaram'. Lord Narayana also participated along with all other kings. Varalakshmi selected and garlended Sri Nayarayana.The marriage was performed in a very grand manner.
Sri Narayana is here as Ranganathar and is in 'Kalyana-thirukolam' - shown as in the process of marrying Varalakshmi (Sri Ranganayaki) 

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