Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sri Sugandhavana Nadhan at Thiru-Indhalur

Temple features:
Name of this place: Thiru Indhalur
Deity in sanctum: Parimala Rangan
( East facing lying pose)
Other names of the deity : Sugandhavana Nadhan,Maruviniya Maindhan
Deity for festivals : Parimalavana Rangan
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum : Parimala Ranganayaki
Other names of consorts: Sugandha-nayaki,Pundareega-valli, Parimalavana-nayaki
Chandra Saba Vimochanavalli
Tower is called : Vedha-Chakkara Vimanam
Devotee who has
seen the god here :
Soman and vedhas
The holi tank : Chandra pushkarini
Devotional song sung on the deity by : Thiru-Mangai-Alvar sang ten songs on this deity
Legend :
Monarch Ambarisha observed 99 ekadesis for 4 years and when he was on the 100th all devas were feared that if the king finished the 100th also he would acheive every thing in this world. Hence all devas decided to interrupt his 100th virutham. So they all requested sage Doorvasa to spoil the king's virtham. Accordingly the sage came to the earth and visited the kingdom of Ambarisha.
In the meantime Ambareesha finished his ekadesi and he was waiting for dwadesi - the next day to break his fast. Unexpectedly the King met sage Doorvasa and gave him a warm welcome and invited him for the Dwadesi lunch. ( The Ekadasi viratham would be complete only after finishing the lunch breaking the fast next day.)
The Sage told the king that he would come and join with him for the dwadesi lunch after taking his bath. The sage went to have bath in the river. King was waiting long for the sage and the time to break his fast was nearing. Only few seconds were left to break the fast. So according the advice of the kingdom's chief priest he took three spoonfuls of thulasi water and finished his 100th the 100th Ekadesi viratham.
Doorvasa who had intenionally delayed taking bath only to spoil the viratham of Ambarish came to know about the king having finished the viratham.He was very angry and created a monster with his black magic power and ordered it to kill the king. The evil sprit was chasing the king to kill him and the king ran into this temple at Indhalur and surrendered to the Lord Parimalar in the sanctum. The lord appeared before the king, burnt the monster and saved the king. When he heard about this doorvasar was freightened of god's anger. The Lord excused Doorvasa and granted him 'moksham'. The Lord told the king that he could ask for any boon from him. The king asked that the Lord should stay in this temple for ever and should protect all his devootees. The lord granted the king's wish and stayed here. The monarch Ambarisha renovated the temple and endowed the temple generously with lot of wealth.

Om Namo Lakshmi Narayanaya Namaha
Indhalur temple, popularly known as
Sri Parimala Ranganathar temple is 2.5 kms from
Mayiladuthurai nearly 350kms from chennai in
Tamil Nadu. State buses and trains are available. 


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