Friday, August 15, 2014

Aadhi kesava-perumal at Thiru-Vattaru

Temple features:
Name of this place Thiru-Vattaru
Deity in sanctum Aadhi-kesava-perumal
(west facing Bujangasayanm pose.)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Maragadhavalli Nachiyar
Deity for festivals Aadhi-kesava-perumal
Consort for festivals Maragadhavalli Nachiyar
Tower is called Vedhalaya-vimanam
Holi tank Kadalvai-theertham Vattaru
and Ramatheertham
Devotees who have seen the god here Parasuraman and Chandran
Devotional song sung on the deity by Namalzhwar
Legend: Bramanda puranam and Garuda puranam speak about this temple.
Once Bramha did a yaga in this place. While he was performing the yaga two demons named kesan and kesi appeared from the sacrificial fire (Yagakundam). These two demons were all the time interrupting the yaga. Also they were frightening away all the devas. Bramah got frustrated and prayed to Lord Vishnu. Sri Vishnu appeared and killed kesan. Then sri vishnu pushed kesi down and he reclined over her. kesi called the rivers Ganga and Thambiraparani for her help. They were coming to help. But Goddess Booma raised the level of the place where Mahavishnu was reclining and it became a hill. The two rivers flowed on either side of the hill like a garland. Hence the place is called Vattaru( vattam in Tamil means "round")
As Kesi sincerely repented for her faults and misdeeds the Lord granted her a place in the heavens. As he gave liberation to Kesi the God here is called 'Kesavar'. This abode is there from Thredhayuga. Because of its antiquity the prefix "aadhi" was added with Kesaver and the Lord here came to be known as "adhi-kesavar". (Aadhi means ancient ). Ganga and Thambara-barani mingle on one side which is called Kodhi and the other side of the hill it is called parali. This place got the name Moovatthu in Malayalam language.

Om Namo Lakshmi Narayanaya Namaha
This temple is located between rivers kodha and purali in cape-comorin (Kanya-kumari) TamilNadu.


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