Friday, August 15, 2014

Sri Rama at Ayodhya

Temple features:
Name of this place Ayodhya
Deity in sanctum Sri Rama
North facing Standing pose
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Sita devi
Deity for festivals Raghu Nayagan
Consort for festivals Sita Devi
Tower is called Pushkala-Vimanam
Holi tank River Sarayu,and Paramapatha Pushkarini.
Devotees who have seen the god here Devas, Rishis, Bharadhan and citizens of Ayodhya
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thirumangai-alzhwar,Periyalzhwar
Nam-alzhwar,Kulasegara-alzhwar,and Thondaradi podi-alzhwar
Legend: Sri Rama Janma Boomi
On the northern side of Ganga (Ganges) was the great kingdom of Kosala, made fertile by the river sarayu. Emperor Dhasarada ruled over the kingdom from the capital city of Ayodhya. The king fought on the side of the devas in all their battles and his fame spread in the three worlds. The people of the country were very happy , contented and virtuous. The country was protected by a mighty army and no enemy could enter anywhere near. The country contained forts with moats around them as well as many defensive installations and true to its name, Ayodhya defied all enemies( Ayodhi means that which cannot be subdued by war). King Dasaratha ruled over the country smoothly for many years but he had a great regret that he had no children.
One day the king consulted his kingdom's religious preceptor Vasishta. He told the king that he should perform "Putrakameshti-yaga". According to the sage's advise the king decided to perform the yaga.
Contemporaneously with the Yaga in Ayodhya there was a conference of the devas in heaven. The Devas complained to Lord Brahma that Raavana the king of the demons, drunk with power acquired by the boon granted to him by Brahma was causing them untold misery and hardship. They represented to Brahma, " it is beyond our capacity to subdue or kill Ravana. In the security of your boon he has grown wicked and insolent and ill treats all, even women. Sri Vishnu is our only refuge and it was for him to devise a method by which Ravana can be slain and his despotism ended".
Lord Brahma knew that he had granted the boon to Ravana that he would be invincible against devas, asuras, gandharvas and other such others. In his arrogance Ravana did not care to ask for security against mankind. As brahma revealed this fateful omission all the gods rejoiced and turned to Vishnu.
All Devas surrendered themselves to Sri Vishnu and begged him to be born as a human being and put an end to Ravana and his atrocities. Sri Vishnu agreed and assured the devas that he would incarnate as the first of the four sons of King Dasaratha who was then performing a sacrifice for progeny.
The Yaga was performed in a grand manner. At the noon-time the sun god holding a bowl of gold, called the king by his name and said: "Dasaratha all the devas are pleased with you and are answering your prayers. Here is porridge sent by the gods for your wives. You will be blessed with sons if they drink this divine beverage." Dasaratha's wives partook of the porridge and Sri Vishnu as he had assured the devas, incarnated as a son to King Dasaratha through his wife Kausalya. The child was named Sri Rama.

Om Sreem Narayanaya Namo Namaha
This temple is located 3 kms from Faisalabad
Railway station in UP


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