Friday, August 15, 2014

Thiru-Thothatri-nadhan at Thiru-Vanamamalai

Temple features:
Name of this place Thiru-Vanamamalai
Deity in sanctum Thiru-Thothatri-nadhan
(Swayam vyaktha swaroopam (self incarnation)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Sri devi and Boomi devi
Deity for festivals Deiva-nayagan
Consort for festivals Sri devi and Boomi devi
Tower is called Nandha-vardhana-vimanam
Holi tank Shetrukkarai-theertham
Devotees who have seen the god here Bramah,Indiran,Sindu king,Garudan,
Oorvasi,and Thilothamai

Devotional song sung on the deity by Namalzhwar
Legend: Theere are a number of legends about temple described in detail in Bramanda-Puranam Skandha puranam and Narasimah puranam. The one recounted here is an important one. Wild animals were troubling the people of Sindu kingdom. Hence the king went to hunt the predators. While he was about to shoot a lion an elephant came in the way and chased him. The king ran for his life a long way and unexpectedly came to a hut and hid himself in it. He saw some delicious food and some water in the hut. Being very tired and hungry and when he saw there was no one in the hut he ate all the food and drank the water also.
After a while sage Kusanan the owner of the hut came in and found all the food missing. He looked around and saw the king and realized he had eaten all the food. The sage was very angry and cursed the king. " You foolish king I prepared the variety of food to offer to Sri vishnu but you ate them. Only dogs eat food as soon as they see it.So you will became a dog" The king realized that he was in an hermitage and that the food he had eaten was an offering to god.
The King explained to the sage how he happened to eat the food and sincerely begged to be pardoned and to remove the curse.The sage cool down and said " I cannot remove a curse once given.You have to be with it for some time. But in future you will have a dip in a holy water with all piety and then your curse will be removed".
Accordingly the king became a dog and ran from street by street. A hunter saw the dog and took it to his home.The dog was with him for a long time. One day when the hunter was going to Vanamamali he took the dog along with him. He made the dog sit on the banks of the tank. The hunter took a dip in the tank. On seeing this the dog remembered its previous form and it also jumped into the water.and was praying to Sri Vishnu. The lord removed its curse and the dog became a handsome king.
The king stayed in Vana-mamalai for a long time and worshipped Lord Vishnu. Later the king went back to his kingdom along with the hunter taking him as his father.
He proclaimed the' Vishnu Bakthi' all over his kingdom. He renovated the Vana-mamalai temple and built a mutt there. He endowed this mutt with a large amount of wealth and jewels etc. In his old age he did penance to Vishnu and achieved leberation to his soul.

Om Sreem Narayanaya Namo Namaha
This temple is located near
Thirunel-veli  Tamilnadu.

Buses and taxis are available fromThirunel-veli.                                   Home

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