Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thiri vikraman at Seerkali

The temple feature
Name of this place Kalicheerama-Vinnagaram
Deity in sanctum Thiri vikraman
( East facing standing pose)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Loganayaki
Deity for festivals Thadalan
Consort for festivals Mattavil-Kulali
Tower is called Pushkala varthagam-vimanam
Holi tanks Shanka threetham and Chakkara-Theertham
Devotees who have seen the god here Sage Roma Rishi and Ashtavakran
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thiru-Mangai-Alvar, Nadhamuni, Udaiyavar,
Manavala-Mamuni Dhandapani Swamikal

  • Thirugjana sambandhar praised Mangai Azhwar and presented a ' Vel '
  • This kshetram is important for those under Sukra Dhosham
  • Those who worship this deity certainly they will have advancement their life
  • Thirukyral mentions about this deity in the 601st couplet. Sri V.V.S.Iyer mentions about this deity in his English translation of Thiru-kural (the 601st couplet) as follows. Behold the prince that Knoweth not sloth: he will bring with his
    sway all that hath been measured by the steps of Trivikrama.

There was a sage called Vanthi in Raja Rishi Janagar's ministry. He would call other sages for a contest of argument on philosophy and if his opponent was defeated he would drown him.
One day one Ashta-Vakran went to his mother and asked her about his father. She told him that his father was killed by sage Vanthi on being defeated in an argument. Ashtavakran angrily went to Janagar's palace and told the guard that he had come for the argument-contest with the sage Vanthi. The guard let him in.
Vanthi started asking questions to Ashtavakran. The argument between them became very heated but Asthavakran replied correctly to all the questions. Vanthi could not ask any further questions and owned defeat. Asthavakran requested the king "Your Majesty Vanthi was killing all the sages that were defeated by him. Now he himself has been defeated by me. Hence please give him the punishment that he was giving to the other sages" (Jalasamadhi).
Vanthi came to Ashtavakran and told him that water would not kill him because he was Varuna Bhagava's son. He further told Ashtavakran that he did not kill any of the sages but only sent them through water to a Yaga that his father Varuna Bhagavan was performing in Varuna-loka and that they were all safe. So Vanthi called all the sages back from varuna loka.
So happily Ashtavakran went to this place in Seerkali to do penance. He met Sage Romesa and joined him in penance for a long time. Vishnu appeared before them and asked the purpose for the penance.Both the sages asked the Lord to reincarnate as Thrivikrama and stay here for all devotees' dharsan for ever. The Lord agreed and took avathar as Thiruvikrama as they wanted and stayed here for ever.

Om Namo Narayanaya Namaha
About 3 kms from Chidhambaram
and 300 km from Chennai in Tamilnadu.


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