Thursday, August 14, 2014

Appala-Rangan at Thirupare

Temple features:
Name of this place Thiru-Pare
Deity in sanctum Appa-Kudathan
( East facing lying pose)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Indira Devi
Deity for festivals Appala-Rangan
Consort for festivals Kamalavalli
Tower is called Indira-vimanam
Holi tank Indira-Theertham
Devotees who have seen the god here Upamanyu and Paracharar
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thiru Mangai-alzhwar,Thirumazhisei alzhwar
Periyalzhwar and Namalzhwar
This abode is one of the Pancha-ranga-kshetrams Those are as follows:
  • Aadhi Rangam Sri Rangappattinam (mysore)
  • Appala-Rangam Thirupare-Nagar
  • MadyaRangam (Thiruchi) Sri Rangam
  • Chadurtharangam Kumbakonam
  • Pancharangam Inthaloor (Mayavaram)
Once King Upamanyu was cursed by Doorvasa and he became very ill and lost selfconfidence. He wanted to remove his curse. Hence he consulted his palace astrologer. The astrologer told the king that he should go to Palacha-vanam (Thiruper) and arrange poor feeding for one million people. Accordingly the king constucted a palace there and he was doing the poor feeding. (Annadhanam) It was going on for many years. One day Sri Narayana came to the palace as an old man. They welcomed the old person and gave him food. The old man ate for long and finished all the food.
There was nothing to give to others. The old man asked the king for pan cake (Appam). Then the king ordered to his cook to make pancakes in a big container. Accordingly the palace cook prepared pancakes in a big container. The cook brought them to the place where the old was eating. The king offered him the whole container of pan-cakes. As soon as the Old man accepted the container of pancakes the kings curse was lifted and he became a healthy person. Happily the king prayed to lord vishnu. The god appeared before him and blessed him and said that the kinbg would rule over his kingdpm for a long time and at the end would attain liberation and reach the heaven. The king was very delighted. From that time on the practice in this temple is to offer pan-cakes ( appam ) to the Lord.

Om Namo Lakshmi Narayanaya Namaha
This kshetram is 15 kms from Thiruchi
in Tamil Nadu.State buses and the private

taxis available 


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