Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thiruvan-Purushothamam at Thirunangoor

Temple features:
Name of this place Thirunangoor
Deity in sanctum Purushothaman
( East facing standing pose)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Purushothama-Nayaki
Tower is called Sanjeevi - Vigraha Vimanam
Holi tank Thiruparkadal
Devotee who has seen the god here Viyakrapadhar and Upamanyu
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thiru-Mangai-Alvar sang ten songs on this deity
Once sage Viyakrapadhar went to this temple with his 6 months old baby named Upamanyu. As soon as he saw the dieity he kept the child on the floor near the sanctum and went to bring flowers to do pooja. He was some distance away from baby and so he could not hear the baby's cry in hunger. The baby cried for so long that it's face became redish in color.Viyakrapathar was busy collecting flowers. Goddess Purushothama-nayaki felt sympathy for the child and asked Lord Purushothama to bring some milk for him. The Lord brought the whole Ocean of milk ( par-kadal ) and goddess fed the child with that milk. The child grew up and became an young boy. Viyakrapadhar put him in a vedic school. (Gurukula-Vasam) The teacher sage Ayodha Thowmyar admitted him and asked him to herd his cows to begin with. He ordered the boy that he should take the cows at 5.30 in the mornings. According to his teacher's order he took the cows at 5.30 in the mornings and he used to bring themback in the evenings.
One day the teacher asked the boy where he was having his lunch in the afternoon.The boy said to the teacher that he would beg in the village and eat.The Sage was very angry with him and said he should not eat the food he got begging but bring it to him. The boy agreed. Next day the sage asked him that what did for his lunch. The boy replied that he was milked the cows and drank the milk. The wicked sage stopped that also
The next day the boy was very hungry and ate some leaves. Because he ate some poisonous leaves he lost his eye sight. He could not see anything. So when he was returning to the school he fell into a deep and narrow pit. He could not come out of the pit. The cows alone reached the abode of the sage but the boy did not return home.
The sage got worried and went to search for him.The Sage heard a feeble voice from a pit. He saw the boy deep in the pit. He understood about the boy's loss of vision. Immediately the sage prayed to god for the boys eyesight. The boy's eyesight was restored. The sage helped the boy to come out of the pit. But the boy looked very fresh.The sage was wondering how when this boy was in the pit the whole night he looked very fresh. how was this possible? The sage meditated about this and came to know through his divine power that the boy had milk from the ocean of milk and fed by Goddess Purushothama nayaki.
The sage was amazed and blessed the boy.Later Upamanyu became a scholar and estabished many vedic schools. He made many improvements to the temple. Sri Narayana with Lakshmi appeared before Upamanyu and blessed him.

Om namo Lakshmi Narayanaya Namaha


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