Friday, August 15, 2014

Parama-Purushan at Thiruparidhi

Temple features:
Name of this place Thiruparidhi
Deity in sanctum Parama-Purushan
east facing Bujanga Sayanam
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Sri Parimalavalli-Thayar
Deity for festivals Parama-Purushan
Consort for festivals Sri Parimalavalli-Thayar
Tower is called Sri Govardhana- Vimanam
Holi tank Indira-Theertham, Govardhana-Theertham and Manasarovas
Devotees who have seen the god here Devathi-Devas
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thirumangai-alzhwar
There is no particular legend on this temple. General talk is it was in Himalayas. Another rumour about this temple is that it is on the way to Badrinath. Exact route is not known.

Om  Narayanaya Namo Namaha
Thiru-Paridhi is said to be located in Himalayas.


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