Friday, August 15, 2014

Venkata-Krishnan at Thiruvallikeni

Temple features:
Name of this place Thiruvallikeni (Chennai)
Deity in sanctum Venkata-Krishnan with Rukmini (east facing standing pose)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Vedhavalli
Deity for festival Parthasarathi
Devi for festival Vedhavalli
Holi tanks Kairavini (Allikeni)
Devotees who have seen the god here Sage Brugu, Sumathi Rajan, Sage Madhuman
Saptharomar, Sage Atthiri and Jajali Maharishi

Devotional song sung on the deity by Thirumangai alzhwar
Legend: Bramanda puran says in Brundh-aranya Kaandam that this place was a Brundh-aranyam (Thulasi forest). Bruntham means Thulasi and aranyam is forest.
Once King Sumathi worshipped Lord Srinivasan to have his dharshan as Parthasarathi. The king heard an oracle voice that he should go to Brindha-aaranyam to have his dharshan as he wished. Accordingly King Sumathy came to Brindha-aranyam (Present Thiruvallikeni).
It is also said that Aatreya maharishi the disciple of Vedha-Vyaser as ordered by his teacher came to brindh-aranyam to do panance. While the disciple was on his way saint Vyaser gave him a Krishnas idol. Sage Aatreya met the king sumathy in this place. They together established a temple and installed the Krishna idol there and both did penance for a long time.
The Lord incarnated as Partha-Sarathy here in this temple and gave darshan to Sage Aatreya and King Sumathi.

(Meaning of Parthasarathy is: Partha is one of the Arjuna's name and sarathy means charioteer. Parthasarathy means: Charioteer to Arjuna)

Om Narayanaya Namaha

This temple is located at Thiruvallikeni in Chennai  Tamil Nadu.


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