Thursday, August 14, 2014

Rajagopalan at Thiru-Kavalampadi

Temple features:
Name of this place Thiru-Kavalampadi
Deity in sanctum Gopalakrishnan with Rukmini and Satyabama
( East facing standing pose)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Madavaral Mangai (There is no separate sanctum for goddess)
Deity for festivals Rajagopalan
Consort for festivals Sengamala-Nachiyar
Tower is called Swayambu-vimanam
Holi tank Thadamalarpoigai
Devotees who have seen the god here Sivan and wariars
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thirumangai alzhwar( sang 10 sangs)
Sri Krishna killed Naragasura with Satyabama and he redeemed all the wealth from him and reimbursed devas like varuna and others.
Sometime later Satyabama asked for Parijatha flower. Sri Krishna went to Indra-loka and asked Indra for the flowers. Indira refused to give the flowers. So Sri Krishna angrily cursed Indira that he should lose his attractive features. Accordingly Indira lost all his charm and became very ugly-looking. In Tamil language 'Kavalam' means a beautifull place. Lord Krishna with Satyabama came to Thiru-Kavalam from Dwaraka and stayed for ever in this place. Later Indira realised his mistakes and came to the earth to Thiru- Kavalam (Boologa Dwaraka). He did penance persistantly for a very long period. Krishna appeared before Indira. Sri krishna blessed him lifting his previous curse and Indira regained his handsome looks. Happily Indira went to Indiraloga and sent a Parijadha tree to Satyabama.

Rukmini Satyabama Sahitha Sri Krishnaya Namaha
This temple is on the way from Seerkali to
poompuhar in Tamil Nadu.

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