Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sri Nanmadhiyaperumal at Thalichanga-Nanmadhiyam (Thalaichankadu)

Temple features:
Name of this place Thalichanga Nanmadhiyam(Thalichankadu)
Deity in sanctum Nanmadhiyaperumal
( East facing standing pose)
Deity for festivals Venchudar-perumal
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Thalaichanga-Nachiyar
Consort for festivals Sengamalavalli
Tower is called Chandra-vimanam
Holi tank Chandra-pushkarani
Devotees who have seen the god here Chandran and devas
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thiru-Mangai-Alvar sang two songs on this deity
In Thiru Sangam days this area was very famous for chanks from the sea. This place is only 7 kms from Kavery poom pattinam. The changu purana says that long time ago this area was a jack-fruits grove. Hence this place is called Thiruchangkadu.
There are inscriptions in this temple that says king Parakesari-varman, Rajaraja chola the first and Rajendrachola had close connections with this temple. Legend:
The Bramanda Puran did not say elaborately about this kshetram. Only few insidents are discribed. For example the moon is one of the zodic signs. Moon gets the second place in all nine zodic signs. This important satellite deity was subject to lot of curses from his guru Brahaspathi.
Once Chandran (moon) went to his guru's place. At that time the guru Brahaspathy's wife Thara came out to answer the visitor. She was a very beutiful lady and Chandran fell in love with her. One day chandran took Thara away and hid her. Secretly they were affectionatly running a family life.
Guru Brahaspathy could not tolerate this and cursed Chandran to suffer from incurable tuberculosis. When Chandran suffered from this disease he realised his mistake and he sent Thara back to his Guru.
Chandra came to this place according to Brahma's advice and he was cured of his disease. He also got a place one the zodiac signs.
Om Namo Lakshmi Narayanaya Namaha
This kshetram is 16 kms from Serkali in TamilNadu.


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