Friday, August 15, 2014

Vijaya Ragavar at Putkuzhi

Temple features:
Name of this place Putkuzhi
Deity in sanctum Vijaya-Ragavaperumal
(east facing sitting pose)
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Maragadhavallii-Nachiyar
Tower is called Vijayakoti vimanam
Holi tank Jatayu-Theertham
Devotees who have seen the god here Jatayu
Devotional song sung on the deity by Thirumangai alzhwar
The legend again recalls the epic Ramayana. It is the same as the legend relating to Pullam Boothamkudi. When Ravana kidnapped Sita the big bird Jatayu saw Ravana's charriot in ariel flight and fought with him to rescue Sita. But he was defeated by Ravana.
As soon as he saw Rama, raising his ruffled and gory head with great pain, Jatayu spoke in a feeble voice that seemed to be struggling with death. The big bird Jatayu told Rama that he saw Sita in Ravana's flying chariot in the sair. He further said " I tried to intercept the charriot and gave battle. I struck down Ravana's bow and smashed his chariot. But Ravana won over me by cutting off my wings and I fell wounded to death. Ravana lifted sita and flew with her into the sky in a southern direction". Sita saw the big bird Jatayu's devotion to Rama and his heroism in the Dandaka Forest as he was fighting Ravana. Rama could see the marks of Jatayu's last great fight all around. Unarmed he had opposed the Rakshasa who had all his weapons and armour and humbled his pride at the cost of his own life. Tears flowed from Rama's eyes as he listened to Jatayu's tale. He flung aside his bow and embraced the bird. The prince's sorrow knew no bounds. He lamented loudly, rolling on the ground. The mystery of divine incarnations is ever the same. They are weighed with the dust and tears of the body they have taken and suffer and grieve like mortals.
Jatayu's battle with Ravana is more important than the battles in Lanka. Hence the pious revere Jatayu and look upon him as an Aalzhvar - a guide in the holy path.
Sri Rama performed Jatayu's funeral ceremony in this place now called Kruthara Pushkarani Kshetram (Thiru-put-Kuzhi)
Rama was sad that sita was not with him when he was performing the last rites of Jatayu (a wife's presence is a must when the husband performs funeral rites.). Amazingly Sita's shadow was standing on the golden lotus in the middle of the tank in this temple. Sri Rama was happy and peacefully finished Jatayu's last services that he missed doing to his father king Dhasaratha.
Rama gave Jatayu liberation here with a place in the heaven. (dwelling place of the soul of the bird ). .
Some times the Same legend is quoted in different contexts in different places. Great scholars admit that some times this happens though very rare.

Om Narayanaya Namaha
This place is located 8 kms from
Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu


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