Friday, August 15, 2014

Thiru-Kasinivendhar at Thiru-pulingudi

Temple features:
Name of this place Thiru-pulingudi
Deity in sanctum Thiru-Kasini-vendhar
Bujangasayanam east facing pose
Consort of Vishnu in sanctum Sri boomipraaty
Deity for festivals Boomi-palar
Consort for festivals Pulingudi-valli Nachiyar
Tower is called Vedha-chara-vimanam
Holi tank Indhira-theertham Niruthi Theertham
Devotees who have seen the god here Indiran, Niruthi, Varunan and Yagna sarma

Devotional song sung on the deity by Nammalzhwar
Legend: The description of this holy place in Bramanda-puran and Thambira-barani puranam is in great detail. Once a brahmin named Yagna-Sarma was in a happy mood with his wife. At that time sage Vasistha's son Sakthi with his desciples came to Yagya-sarma's home. But the Brahmin in his amorous state did not notice them and offered nothing. Sage sakthi got very angry and pronounced a curse that the brahmin would become a cruel demon. On hearing this Yagna-sarma was worried he begged the sage for his pardon and to remove the curse. The sage said "when sometime in future Indira performs a yaga you will disturb him. Then vishnu will appear before you and will beat you with his club and your curse will be removed".
In the mean time Indira was with his wife in a lotus in the Himalayas. A sage and his wife took the form of fawns and were playing near a pond. Indira got angry and killed one of the fawns and incurred Bramah-Hathi-Dosham ( sin of killing a brahmin ) Because of the dosham he was running around like mad. On seeing this all devas advised him to go to Thirupulingudi on the earth and to surrender to Sri Vishnu.
Accordingly Indira came to this place Thirupuligudi and had a dip in the holy tank and worshiped Sri Boomi Balar. Indira was freed from Brahma-hatti-dosham and to express his gratitude to Sri Vishnu he performed a yaga in this place.
Yagna-sarma who was a demon came to disturb this yaga. But Sri Vishnu appeared before him and beat him with his club. As foretold by the Sage Sakthi the brahmin became free from his curse and attained moksham in this place.
Indira had a dip in this 'threertham' (tank). So it is called Indira Theertham.

Om Sreem Narayanaya Namo Namaha
This temple is located near Nattham in Tamilnadu. Buses and taxis

 are available from Nattham. 


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